Inside the Mind of the Non-Compliant American

How the founding of America answers why we don’t want to follow government rule.

Ashley Hooker
4 min readJul 20, 2020
Photo by tom coe on Unsplash

America is known as the land of the free and the home of the brave. Citizens who call this country home are privileged. They are free to choose, free to bear arms, free to worship within their respective religions, and most importantly, free to speak. Americans are speaking out and proving to be, for the most part, noncompliant citizens. Our freedom of speech has evolved from a tool to bring about change to a weapon.

The year 2020 has seen speech and actions that make us wonder what is going on. When COVID-19 came on the scene, Americans had mixed feelings about proposed mandates to keep us healthy. Medical professionals and scientists were working hard to understand this novel virus that could be fatal. The same experts were informing the American government of their findings and state governments were reacting.

Americans saw the federal government send out relief checks and give speeches. Press conferences were held with no real answers given and travel outside the country was forbidden. The most shocking of all was what the state governments were doing. States were locking themselves down and closing businesses. Schools closed and virtual learning became the name of the game. All of a sudden, the government was now choosing what was essential, and when we should go out of our houses.

The actions of our government have forced Americans to remind those in authority why they are choosing to be noncompliant. Americans are now standing on the steps of state capitals begging for their economies to be restored and their lives to return to normal. We are posting videos on social media asking each other to wear a mask and respect science. Non-compliant Americans are on guard and poised with their argument which addresses why they choose to be non-compliant.

All these emotions lead me to wonder why Americans are begging each other to wear a mask, practice social distancing, and wash their hands. Why are Americans choosing to be non-compliant? The answer to this question is in the history of America.

The Rebellious Nature of America

We are rebellious people. Looking back at American history we find it riddled with rebellions and revolts. In 1676, Nat Bacon’s Rebellion was in its infancy. It would be the first of many uprisings against colonial governments regarding the issue surrounding Native Americans. The year 1732 found a wealthy landowner by the name of Lewis Morris founding the New York Weekly Journal. In this journal, there were back page advertisements viewed as seditious. John Peter Zenger, the editor, was put on trial for allowing this speech to be printed. Ultimately, Zenger was acquitted and free press was on its way to mainstream America.

As we look further into history, colonists will throw tea into Boston Harbor. They will boycott the use of goods taxed by the British government. The famous line “give me liberty or give me death” will be heard from the lips of Patrick Henry. Colonists opposing the British became the Sons of Liberty. A continental Congress is convened for the first time in 1774. The Declaration of Independence is formally adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4,1776. Ultimately, colonists will go to war against the most powerful nation of the world to declare themselves free.

Americans have the blood of those colonists running through their veins. The idea is that if our founding fathers and ancestors fought so hard to gain freedom, then why should we let anyone take it away. It may seem silly to think your freedom is being taken due to a mandate requiring you to wear a mask. You may even believe that the government choosing what businesses are essential is not a thorn in your freedom.

The American Reality

The reality is for most Americans, the mandates, closing of churches, banning singing in houses of worship, and closing businesses is a threat to their independence. It is not what Americans fought for in 1776 and it is not what we are fighting for today. We are choosing to be noncompliant because we have the freedom to do so. We have the freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Americans have enjoyed freedom for 244 years. In these years, America has seen protests regarding issues of slavery, prohibition, women’s rights, worker’s rights, and countless others. Each rebellion had one thing in mind, freedom. Slaves wanted freedom. Citizens wanted to the freedom to drink alcohol and women wanted the freedom to vote. Workers wanted freedom from wealthy mill owners who treated them badly.


Americans want freedom. It does not matter how big or small the issue is. The non-compliant American is standing up for the right to be free to choose and conduct business as they see fit. They did not want government control in 1776, and they don’t want it now.



Ashley Hooker

Pastor’s wife, homeschool mom, content marketing writer, and Jesus lover. I write articles based on my faith and facts.